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How It Works

Clients can choose an accounting package that best suits their requirements. A written proposal will then be prepared detailing the services to be performed and an estimated pricing structure based on record keeping and information provided by the client.

Our packages range from:

Silver Package

Our base package is designed to help you meet all your compliance needs and assist you with undestanding the basics of your business.

Gold Package

Aimed at helping you improve your business, our gold level package will see us working closely with you on a regular basis to help you monitor and manage the key drivers in your business

Platinum Package

Our platinum package is ideal for those wanting to understand, manage and grow their business. We spend time working one on one with you to help you develop your financial and personal goals and strategies to help you achieve them.

STM offers clients the ability to pay for the estimated future pricing structure using our monthly direct debit service. We can take payments from your bank account or credit card each month to avoid lump sum payments once the work is finished. This helps clients manage their cash flow.

Contact Us Today.

Whatever your requirements, we can help you find the solution.

Unit 6, 1 Sigma Drive Croydon South, Australia VIC 3136

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